- Ecofriends - People and companies friends of the Environment
- W.I.P. - biodegradable & compostable personal care
- Sisifo - Communication services for ethical companies
- Minimo Impatto - Online sale of environmental friendly and sustainable products
- Nature Works LLC - Manufacturer of biopolymer Ingeo P.L.A.
- DIN Certco - German certification company for compostable products
- Assoscai - Association promoting environmental company competitiveness
- Ibiplast - Manufacturer of biodegradable and compostable garbage bags and shopping bags (T-shirt bags)
- C.I.C. - Consorzio Italiano Compostatori (Italian Consortium for Composting Companies)
- ISO 26000 - Standard for Corporate Social Responsability
- Novamont - Manufacturer of compostable biopolymer Mater-Bi
- Assobioplastiche - Association of Italian companies working with biopolymers
- Acquisti Verdi - Green products – G.P.P. Green Public Procurement