In our company we strongly believe in standard a certification as a tool for continuous improvement and as a way to grant our customers and consumers. Here following are our certifications :
ISO14001/2004 : Environmental Management System
ISO9001/2008 : Quality Management System
OK-COMPOST : compostability certificate, available for some of the Ecozema products, issue by AIB-Vincotte according to EN13432 standard.
DIN-Certco : compostability certificate, available for some of the Ecozema products, issue by DIN Certco according to EN13432 standard
C.I.C. : compostability certificate, available for some of the Ecozema products, issue by Consorzio Italiano Compostatori according to EN13432 standard
Assoscai Label : product environmental label obtained for Ecozema cutlery, issued by Assoscai, Association for environmental development and competitiveness.
Energy from Renewable Sources : thanks to cooperation with Acea Energia in our company we work only with electricity coming from renewable sources, certified by Garanzia d’Origine
Food Contact : the products intended to come in contact with food must be accompanied by the declaration of compliance (ex Reg. CE 1935/2004). In the declaration of compliance are detailed all the information to testify the food contact suitability plus operating instructions. All the Ecozema products are regularly accompanied by declaration of compliance, issued for each family product.
Renewable Sources : trough laboratory analysis it is possible to set the organic content (biobased) of a raw material. International standard to regulate this kind of analysis are now under development, in the meantime independent companies, like AIB-Vincotte, have determined internal procedures to issue its certificate OK-Biobased. This kind of certificate is available for some of the Ecozema products.
GMO Genetically Modified Organism : although there are not health risk related to GMO in the plantations used to obtain our raw materials we prefer to avoid promoting the use of GMO. For this reason we are committed to search raw material made with non-GMO sources, from certified production chains.